Cosmo-poethics and Ecology of the Word. An Essay on Erri De Luca and Jean-Claude Pinson




De Luca, justice, Pinson, poethics, speech


Published in 2013 and 2015 respectively, Jean-Claude Pinson's Poéthique (Poethics) and Erri de Luca's La parole contraria (The Contrary Word) question know-how, knowing how to say and knowing how to be, experimenting with a literature of the self in its environment, which is not distinct from life and its ethical choices. In the course of twenty years of reflection on poetry for Pinson, and more recently for De Luca, during his defence against the accusation of “incitement to sabotage” of the Lyon-Turin high-speed train, each of them sheds light in his essay on the question of what singular voices can do, of their possibility of living outside the dominant framework. In this way, they pose in a comparable way the question of an ecology of speech, starting again from the meaning of words to freely reinvent the world, a cosmo-poethical path that breaks with conformism, names the disagreements that separate it and could help to reshape the public space.


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Author Biography

Bertrand Guest, Université d'Angers

Bertrand Guest is associate professor in General and Comparative Literature at the University of Angers (member of 3LAM). He published Révolutions dans le cosmos. Essais de libération géographique : Humboldt, Thoreau, Reclus (n°1 of the series " Littérature et sciences ", coll. " Perspectives comparatistes ", Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2017) and co-edited the n°13 of the journal Essais, "Ecologie & Humanités" (with Fabien Colombo and Nestor Engone Elloué) in 2018. Based on ecocritical work on the relations between knowledge, politics and literature, particularly in the forms of the essay, from the nineteenth century to the present day, he has more recently been working on crossing ecocriticism and queer perspectives.

