Rhizomatic Permeabilities in the New Poetry of the Indian Partition


  • Juan Ignacio Oliva Universidad de La Laguna




Indian Partition Poetry, 75th Anniversary, New Materialist Analyses, Permapoiesis, Ecotones


This paper aims at tackling the memory of the Indian Partition (1947) from the viewpoint of new ecological materiality, that studies inclusively and interrelatedly the biological reality of the corporeality of territories and their inhabitants, on the one side; while being aware of the entropic kinetics of tense bodies and their holistic and rhizomatic permeabilities, on the other. To this purpose, a reduced bunch of poems from a much wider corpus generated by this turning point is chosen, written by women authors such as Prerna Bakshi, Sujata Bhatt, Adeeba Talukder and Moniza Alvi. It does not by any means pretend to be exhaustive because it would be impossible to globally visualize the enormous amount of traumatic facts, echoes, mirages, revisions and rereadings that the Partition brings about–a wide scar that opens and bleeds with ease—especially when all kind of events, workshops and memorials of the 70th and the 75th anniversaries are so close. Among the most relevant items there could be highlighted, firstly, the construction of landscape imagery mediated by fracture; secondly, the problematization of the various ideological exiles caused by the Partition; or, lastly, the material integration of cultural and identity realities, seen as physical and tangible facts susceptible to development and transformation.


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Author Biography

Juan Ignacio Oliva, Universidad de La Laguna

Catedrático de Literaturas Postcoloniales Anglófonas (desde la Ecocrítica). Estudia el ser humano y su entorno en la ecopoesía, la observación interactiva del paisaje y la relación del yo sensible con la naturaleza agente y elocuente. Ha editado The Painful Chrysalis. Essays on Contemporary Cultural and Literary Identity (Peter Lang, 2011), Realidad y simbología de la montaña (UAH, 2012) y coeditado Revolving Around India(s): Alternative Images, Emerging Perspectives (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019). Es director de la Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (2014-) y del Centro de Estudios Canadienses de la Universidad de La Laguna (1997-). Desde 2019 ejerce como presidente de la Asociación Española James Joyce y vicepresidente de la Asociación Española de Estudios Norteamericanos (SAAS); fue asimismo presidente de la Asociación Europea para el Estudio de la Literatura, Cultura y Medio Ambiente (EASLCE, 2014-2016) y de la Asociación Española de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre India (AEEII, 2014-2019). Es miembro de los Grupos de Investigación GIECO-Franklin-UAH (Ecocrítica) y Ratnakara-UAB (Literaturas del Océano Índico)

