Cedevole al tatto // To Be in Any Form // Ser en cualquier forma


  • Paola Maria Loreto University of Milan




ecopoetry, poetry translation, bilingual poetry






       La silloge è stata ispirata dall’osservazione e dall’ascolto, ricettivi, degli elementi della natura in ambiente montano, alpino, che potrebbe essere quello “di casa”, le Prealpi Orobie, ma anche qualsiasi altro luogo di montagna frequentato dall’autrice. Esprime il senso di un’appartenenza profonda, ineludibile, pacificante a un mondo di relazioni eque, oggettive, multidirezionali.


    The poems were inspired by the keenly receptive observation of natural elements in a mountainous environment - possibly the author’s “home,” the Prealpi Orobie in Italy, but also whatever other mountain landscape she has happened to experience in her hikes and climbing. The triptych expresses the profound sense of an unavoidable and pacifying belonging to a world of even, objective, and multiple relations.


           La inspiración para los poemas vino de la observación intensamente receptiva de los elementos naturales en un entorno montañoso (probablemente el "hogar" de la autora, el Prealpi Orobie en Italia, pero también de cualquier otro paisaje de montaña que haya experimentado mientras hacía senderismo y escalada). El tríptico expresa el sentido inevitable y pacificador de pertenecer a un mundo de relaciones regulares, objetivas y múltiples.



Author Biography

Paola Maria Loreto, University of Milan

University of Milan, Italy


Associate Professor of Angloamerican Literature at the Department of Foreign Langusages and Literatures.





Creative Writing and Arts