<b>Sea Life at Keiss Beach, Northern Scotland</b> // Vida marítima en la playa de Keiss, norte de Escocia


  • Peter Bergthaller



Palabras clave:



The pictures were taken on a flat part of the coast near Keiss, County Caithness, Scotland, at low tide, where “Old Red” Sandstone forms a hard bed dipping shallowly into the perfectly transparent sea. About 10 metres into the surf, the rocks break off into deep water, opening to a less accessible part of the water-bound world. The creatures I found there were neither spectacular, nor rare or exciting. There were no loud colours, no sublime mysteries—just organisms in their own world, solitary and perfectly undisturbed, some waiting to be engulfed in the next high tide, others moving around at incredibly slow rates.


            Estas fotografías fueron tomadas en una zona llana de la costa cercana a Keiss, en el condado de Caithness, Escocia, con marea baja, donde la “vieja arenisca roja” forma un lecho duro que se sumerge superficialmente en el mar perfectamente transparente. A unos 10 metros en el oleaje, las rocas se quiebran en el agua profunda, abriéndose a una parte menos accesible del mundo acuático. Las criaturas que encontré allí no eran espectaculares, ni raras ni fascinantes. No había colores llamativos, ni misterios sublimes—simplemente organismos en su propio mundo, solitarios y perfectamente imperturbados, algunos esperando ser tragados por la próxima marea, otros moviéndose a un ritmo increíblemente lento.


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Biografía del autor/a

Peter Bergthaller



From childhood, Peter Bergthaller has been fascinated by the ability of photography to capture the world in its smallest details, its shapes and colours. As a research chemist with Agfa-Gevaert in Leverkusen, Germany, he worked for several decades to improve the medium’s quality range. In 2013, he published the book Glasmalerei in Kölner Kirchen: Künstler und Werke 1945-2012, the first comprehensive presentation of the wealth of modern stained glass art found in the churches of Cologne.







Escritura creativa y arte