<b>Amazonian Cosmologies: Six Poems</b> // Cosmologías amazónicas: Seis poemas


  • Juan Carlos Galeano Florida State University




Amazonian Cosmologies: Six Poems


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Biografía del autor/a

Juan Carlos Galeano, Florida State University

Juan Carlos Galeano is  the author of Baraja Inicial (1986), Pollen and Rifles (1997), Amazonia (2003), Sobre las cosas (2010)  and Yakumama and Other Mythical Beings (2011). His work, inspired by Amazonian cosmologies and the modern world, has been published internationally and translated into Kichwa, French, English, Portuguese, German, and Chinese. Poems from Amazonia have been published in magazines and journals such as RevistAtlántica, Poesía, Casa de las Américas, The Atlantic MonthlyFieldPloughshares,TriQuarterlyAntioch Review,  and Review: Literature and the Arts of the Americas. His poems and folktales have also appeared in college textbooks, collections and in international anthologies such as A poesía se encontra na floresta (Editora Valer, 2001), Jinetes del aire (Rilp Editores, 2011),  Literary Amazonia (Florida UP 2004), Ecopoetry: A contemporary American Anthology (Trinity UP, 2013), and The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Continuum 2005). His research on Amazonian culture has appeared in his collection of folktales Cuentos amazónicos (Tierra Nueva Editores, 2007), Folktales of the Amazon (ABC-CLIO 2008), as well as in the film he co-directed and co-produced, The Trees Have a Mother (Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2008). As a translator he has published Spanish book length versions of North American poets. He lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where he teaches Latin American poetry and Amazonian Cultures at Florida State University.






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