Book Review of 'Ecocriticism of the Global South'


  • Hanna Strass-Senol Rachel Carson Center, LMU München


Mots-clés :

postcolonial ecocriticism, environmental justice, indigenous epistemology, capitalist criticism


Book Review of Ecocriticism of the Global South.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Hanna Strass-Senol, Rachel Carson Center, LMU München

Hanna Straß-Senol is co-director of Environmental Humanities Development at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich. Her research interests include postcolonial literatures and theory, postcolonial ecocriticism, environmental justice, Gothic literature, and theory of globalization. As a member of the DFG-research training group "Globalization and Literature. Presentations, Transformations, Interventions" at the LMU Munich, she wrote her PhD dissertation titled "Stories of Pollution: Narrating Toxicity in Postcolonial Contexts." From 2016, she was a lecturer at the Institute of English and American Studies at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and a post-doc research fellow in the "Fiction meets Science" (FMS) research group sponsored by the Volkswagen Stiftung. She also coordinated CvO University's European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations in 2018. She is a co-founder of the postgraduate forum "Environment, Literature, Culture" (ELC), co-founder of the GAPS postgraduate forum "Postcolonial Narrations," and was webinar coordinator for EASLCE (2014-2016).


