Ecological In(ter)ventions in the Francophone World: An Introduction


  • Anne-Rachel Hermetet Université d’Angers
  • Stephanie Posthumus McGill University





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Biografia autore

Stephanie Posthumus, McGill University

Stephanie Posthumus is a professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at McGill University.  Her research brings together two theoretical approaches – Animal Studies and Environmental Literary Criticism. She has published articles on the novels of contemporary French authors, Michel Houellebecq, Jean-Christophe Rufin, and Marie Darrieussecq. Her doctoral thesis, La nature et l’écologie chez Lévi-Strauss, Tournier et Serres was published in 2010. She is currently working to develop a culturally specific French écocritique, drawing on the philosophy of Michel Serres and the political ecology of Bruno Latour. Her book projects include: a monograph entitled The French Environmental Imagination: Beyond Nature and Ecology and a co-edited volume entitled French Thinking about Animals that will be published with Michigan State University Press in the summer 2013.

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Articles: Ecological In(ter)ventions in the Francophone World