<b>Landscapes in Translation: Traveling the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel with Raja Shehadeh and David Grossman</b> // Paisajes en traducción: Viajando por los territorios ocupados palestinos e Israel con Raja Shehadeh y David Grossman


  • Charles Zerner Sarah Lawrence College



Mots-clés :

translation, landscape, memory, mapping, occupied Palestinian territories, Israel / traducción, paisaje, memoria, territorios palestinos ocupados, Israel



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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Charles Zerner, Sarah Lawrence College

Sarah Lawrence College, United States


Charles Zerner is the Barbara B. and Bertram J. Cohn Professor in Environmental Studies and the Director of Intersections Colloquium Series:  Border Zones in Environmental Studies and Science, Technology, and Society at Sarah Lawrence College.   He conducted environmental ethnography in Indonesia on indigenous communities’ land rights and aspects of political ecology, environmental justice in Southeast Asia and the United States.  Recent research has focused on law, language, and culture in Israel-Palestine and border zones in robotics, drones, and environmental security issues linked to landscape at a variety of scales. Recent publications include “Honey in the City: Just Food’s Campaign to Legalize Apiculture in New York City” and “Stealth Nature:  Biomimesis and the Weaponization of Life.”  Zerner is contributor and editor, People, Plants, and Justice: The Politics of Nature Conservation (Columbia U Press) and Culture and the Question of Rights: Forests, Coasts, and Seas in Southeast Asia (Duke University Press). Co-editor of Representing Communities: Politics and Histories of Community-Based Natural Resource Management (Altamira) and, with Banu Subramaniam and Elizabeth Hartmann, of Making Threats: Biofears and Environmental Anxieties (Roman and Littlefield). Residencies at the University of California-Irvine, Humanities Research Institute, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; grants include Fulbright-Hays fellowship for fieldwork in Indonesia, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Social Science Research Council. Sarah Lawrence College, 2000.






Translating Environmental Humanities